The Beatles: 50 Years After Ed Sullivan

Music has come a long way the past 50 years. We can use computers, pedals, electronic drums and all kinds of new technology to make us sounder better or worse. However, all of that being said, The Beatles have remained constant in everybody’s life. John, George, Paul, and Ringo had no idea just what starting this incredible band would do not only to their lives, but to the world.

The Beatles

The Fab 4

I am of course not old enough to even have been thought of when they played on the Ed Sullivan show. Nor can I even remotely appreciate how big of a deal it was at the time and how they changed the culture of America by playing that one show. However, as the history books show, that night changed the course of America. We needed something to lean on, something good, pure, and decent. It had to be The Beatles. It was perfect timing.

My appreciation of The Beatles comes from my father. ‘Let it Be’, ‘Hey Jude’, ‘Here Comes the Sun’, and so on have become a part of my childhood soundtrack. When thinking back to my childhood, the visual could be anything: playing baseball, playing games with my friends, or even just eating dinner. Every time the audio in those scenes is The Beatles.

As a kid though, I didn’t like The Beatles at all, I actually despised them. My dad played and played and played them. Also of course being a teenager I wanted to listen to the music that my friends also listened to. Now at my older age I realize how crazy that was of me. Maybe they’re one of those bands that grows on you though. As you get older I feel you start to appreciate the message in songs rather than just the songs themselves. Beatles songs are full of stuff that has meaning beneath the surface of what they’re singing about.


Everyone wants to be them.

Back to my main point though. Obviously music has grown and what was popular back when they were the biggest band in the world isn’t any longer. But they’ve stayed that one consistent band that almost everybody I know likes, because how can’t you like The Beatles? They seem to be that one band that everybody knows at least one song, one lyric, or maybe they can just hum the tune.  You can tell just by going on youtube and seeing the millions of people playing their songs. Here is one example. Skip to 1:17 in.

Obviously we can see people are picking up their guitars and playing their music. They have inspired us since the moment they jumped on that stage. Whether it was musically or a message they were sending. Heck, they could have just inspired you to just do something different in your life.

I have nothing more to say except this: thank you for your music, your inspiration, and showing that hopes and dreams can come true. No matter what anything is possible. Thank you.

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